
Divorces – Articles and Posts

Divorce – Articles and Posts

Kindly view articles and posts on Divorces. Should you wish to set up a consultation with us for legal advice on any divorce topic or issue; feel free to contact us on 0211110090. You may also click on this appointment link and do it online.


Family Law Questions and Answers

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My husband and I are separated, and we are planning on getting divorced. How do I deal with the emotional aspect of my divorce seeing that we have children together?

I am going through a divorce. How do I deal with the emotions involed of getting a divorce?

My husband and I are separated, and we are planning on getting divorced. How do I deal with the emotional aspect of my divorce seeing that we have children together? Dealing with the emotional aspects of a divorce can be challenging, but there are several strategies and coping mechanisms that may help you navigate this difficult time. Keep in mind that everyone's experience is unique, so it's essential to find what works best for you. Here are some suggestions: Allow Yourself to Grieve: Understand that divorce is a loss, and it's okay to grieve. Give yourself permission to feel a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, confusion, and even relief. Seek Support: Reach out to friends, family, or a therapist to share your feelings and experiences. Having a support system can provide comfort and understanding during this challenging time. Take Care of Your Physical Health: Pay attention to your physical well-being by maintaining a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and ensuring you get enough sleep. Physical well-being is closely linked to emotional well-being. Establish Routine and Structure: Creating a daily routine can help bring a sense of normalcy to your life. Having structure can provide a sense of stability during a period of upheaval. Set Realistic Expectations: ...
What are my visitation rights as a parent? I want to know my rights as a father or mother - Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf - Best family lawyers attorneys South Africa

Advcoate Muhammad Abduroaf – Family Law South Africa – Divorce Lawyer

Family Law Service - Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf - Finding the best lawyer for you. Choosing the right law firm (Attorney or Advocate) can be a daunting task in the intricate landscape of legal matters. Whether you're facing a complex litigation case, navigating corporate law, or seeking legal assistance for personal issues, the decision of which law firm to engage is crucial. At the firm Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf, we understand the significance of this decision, and we aim to demonstrate why choosing our firm can make all the difference. Expertise and Specialisation One of the primary reasons for choosing our law firm is our expertise and specialisation in diverse legal areas. As you can see from this website, advocate Muhammad Abduroaf practices in various fields of law. This breadth of expertise ensures that no matter the nature of your legal issue, you will have access to knowledgeable and experienced professionals who can provide tailored solutions. Personalised Approach We recognise that every client and every case is unique. That's why we prioritise a personalised approach to legal representation. From the moment you engage our services, we take the time to understand your specific needs, concerns, and objectives. This allows us to develop strategies and solutions customised to your circumstances, ...
Muslim Marriages South Africa - Rights Children Advocate Abduroaf

I am married in terms of Muslim Rites and want to divorce my spouse, what are my rights regarding property and children?

What are my rights as a Muslim Spouse in South Africa with regard to property and children? I want to divorce my spouse. Does South African Law protect my rights to property and children? Muslim Marriages concluded in the traditional sense are not the same legally as a marriage concluded in terms of South African law. For example, in terms of the Marriage Act 25 of 1961. There have been cases dealing with this problem, a prominent one being Women's Legal Centre Trust v President of the Republic of South Africa and Others (CCT 24/21) [2022] ZACC 23; 2022 (5) SA 323 (CC); 2023 (1) BCLR 80 (CC) (28 June 2022). However, despite a person being married in terms of Muslim Rites, you still have the protection of the South African laws. This article deals with your rights regarding property and minor children. What are my property Rights? Parties married in terms of Muslim Rites are deemed to be married out of Community of Property without the accrual regime. Basically, what this means is that each party owns his or her own property during and after the marriage. There will be no automatic sharing of assets after the marriage unless there is another legal basis, therefore. Parental ...
Best Divorce Lawyer Bergvliet Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf Parow

Best Divorce Lawyer Advice if you are living in Bergvliet – Cape Town – Western Cape

Best advice on finding a top divorce lawyer for your divorce case in Bergvliet, Cape Town Do you live in Bergvliet, and are you considering divorcing your spouse? Or have you been threatened with divorce? Either way, a divorce is a legal matter, and it is best to find sound legal advice or assistance. Furthermore, divorcing someone has potential severe legal consequences you may not know of. The first consequence, of course, is that you are no longer married to your former spouse, and there is no legal obligation to maintain each other (unless you qualify for alimony). You may also not inherit from your former spouse’s intestate. Lastly, and obviously, you are free to marry someone else. However, do you know of the proprietary (property) consequences of getting a divorce? What about the assets and debt you and your spouse incurred in Bergvliet or elsewhere during your marriage? Do you know what should happen to it? If not, it is best you find out about these critical aspects and others before getting divorced. Then there is the issue of parental responsibilities and rights after the divorce should there be minor children involved. This article aims to provide guidance on finding the best attorney or advocate for ...
Our Lawyer - Cape Town

5 vital things all parents going through a divorce or separation should know

Child custody, guardianship and visitation (parental responsibilities and rights) - What do I need to know should I be going through a divorce or separation? Although it is not ideal, it often happens that parents divorce or break up. Their romantic or spousal relationship may have come to an end, but their co-parenting relationship continues if they have a child together. They need to be the best co-parents possible for their child. This should be the case despite their failed marriage or relationship. Sadly, sometimes the civility the parents had for each other does not transcend beyond their divorce or separation. Some parents in this situation have unresolved issues. It then often happens that the child becomes a victim of the conflict that ensures. They often use the child as a pawn to settle unresolved differences. This situation is not in the child’s best interest. What follows are five things that parents should know when it comes to a divorce or separation. This is especially important if there are young children involved. Number 1: The Child’s best interests are of paramount importance. In all matters concerning a child, his or her best interests are of paramount importance. Therefore, the law does not focus on what is best ...

Questions on Divorce – Frequently Asked Questions and Answers South Africa

Frequently asked questions on Divorce We proud ourselves on our knowledge on family law, and related matters relevant to South Africa. This includes issues and questions surrounding divorces, custody and child maintenance. Feel free to browse through the questions and answers below. Should you not find the answer to a divorce question you are looking for, scroll down to the bottom of this page and post your divorce-related question. Or you may click here to take you to the bottom of this post where the questions start. Want to know more about Rule 43 Applications in the High Court and Rule 58 Applications in the Magistrates' Court? Click here. How does it work to get a divorce/divorce process? Only a court of law can divorce you. Therefore, a spouse should take the other spouse to court. You or your lawyer would have to approach the Divorce Court of the Family Court. What is the procedure or process a for divorce? One party needs to sue the other party for a divorce. This can be done in the High Court of the Family Courts. Once all the paperwork is done, the matter is set down for hearing or trial where a judge or magistrate would divorce you. How ...
Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf Attorney Appeal Constitutional Court Supreme Court 

Advcoate Muhammad Abduroaf – Family Law South Africa – divorces

Family Law Service - Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf - Finding the best lawyer for you. Choosing the right law firm (Attorney or Advocate) can be a daunting task in the intricate landscape of legal matters. Whether you're facing a complex litigation case, navigating corporate law, or seeking legal assistance for personal issues, the decision of which law firm to engage is crucial. At the firm Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf, we understand the significance of this decision, and we aim to demonstrate why choosing our firm can make all the difference. Expertise and Specialisation One of the primary reasons for choosing our law firm is our expertise and specialisation in diverse legal areas. As you can see from this website, Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf practices in various fields of law. This breadth of expertise ensures that no matter the nature of your legal issue, you will have access to knowledgeable and experienced professionals who can provide tailored solutions. Personalised Approach We recognise that every client and every case is unique. That's why we prioritise a personalised approach to legal representation. From the moment you engage our services, we take the time to understand your specific needs, concerns, and objectives. This allows us to develop strategies and solutions customised to your circumstances, ...
Divorces questions and answers in South Africa

Some interesting questions and answers regarding divorces in South Africa. Here are some questions people ask and search for online.

People going through divorces have many questions. Some we can expect, and others are very surprising. Read on to learn more about divorces and the questions people ask. How much does a divorce cost in South Africa? The cost of a divorce varies from case to case and client to client. If a divorce is undefended or agreed upon,  then the cost would be significantly low.  However,  should the divorce be contested where the parties cannot agree on the terms of the divorce,  then, under those circumstances, the ultimate cost can be very high. Factors to consider would be how many issues there are to be resolved, the number of court days required, and preparation time. In the end,  the more time that is spent on a divorce matter by lawyers, the more it would cost the client. Where can I get free legal advice on divorce in South Africa? There are many places where a person may obtain legal advice on divorces in South Africa.  Some places offer free initial consultations.  Then there are places like the Legal Aid Board or a Legal Resources Centre that would be of assistance at no charge or a minimal fee.  There are also non-governmental organisations and University law clinics ...
Divorce Family Law Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf Quick DIY

Divorce Lawyer – Cape Town – Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf on Fast divorces

Could you provide me with an explanation of how a quick divorce works and what steps are involved in the process? If your marriage is irreparably broken, divorce may be the most practical solution. However, if there is still a chance of reconciliation, divorce may not be the optimal choice for you and your family. You may want to consider trying marriage counseling, having open communication, or seeking guidance from a religious authority to try to save your marriage. If all attempts fail, seeking advice from a legal professional can help you finalize your divorce. How does a quick divorce work? A quick divorce can be finalized in a few weeks when both spouses agree on the divorce and proceed on an uncontested basis. Meeting with an attorney and advocate to draft necessary papers initiates the divorce process. The steps to follow are simpled: Meet with the advocate or attorney, draft the settlement agreement, issue the divorce summons, serve the summons on the defendant, set the divorce down for hearing, and get divorced at court. Searching for a good divorce lawyer When searching for a good lawyer, it is important to do your research and consider a few key factors. Start by asking friends or family members ...
Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf Cape Town South Africa

33 Advcoate Muhammad Abduroaf – Family Law South Africa – Agreed to divorces

Family Law Service - Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf - Finding the best lawyer for you. Choosing the right law firm (Attorney or Advocate) can be a daunting task in the intricate landscape of legal matters. Whether you're facing a complex litigation case, navigating corporate law, or seeking legal assistance for personal issues, the decision of which law firm to engage is crucial. At the firm Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf, we understand the significance of this decision, and we aim to demonstrate why choosing our firm can make all the difference. Expertise and Specialisation One of the primary reasons for choosing our law firm is our expertise and specialisation in diverse legal areas. As you can see from this website, advocate Muhammad Abduroaf practices in various fields of law. This breadth of expertise ensures that no matter the nature of your legal issue, you will have access to knowledgeable and experienced professionals who can provide tailored solutions. Personalised Approach We recognise that every client and every case is unique. That's why we prioritise a personalised approach to legal representation. From the moment you engage our services, we take the time to understand your specific needs, concerns, and objectives. This allows us to develop strategies and solutions customised to your circumstances, ...
Best Divorce Lawyer in Cape Town - Advcoate Muhammad Abduroaf Trust Account Advocate 

Best Divorce Lawyer – Cape Town – Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf

I'm searching for the top and best divorce attorney in Cape Town If your marriage has broken down, divorce is something to consider. And if it is what is best for you, there is no need for it to be a daunting and stressful process. Generally, if both spouses are sensible and understand the law, the divorce should be resolved in a few months at most, even if there are minor children involved. When is it necessary to hire a lawyer during a divorce? Divorce can be a complicated and emotionally charged process, and hiring a Trust Account Advocate or attorney can help ensure that your interests are protected. It is generally recommended to hire an attorney or Trust Account Advocate if you have significant assets, complicated financial situations, or minor children, or if your spouse has already hired a lawyer. Additionally, if you and your spouse are unable to come to an agreement on important issues such as property division, child custody, or spousal support, a lawyer can help you navigate the legal system and advocate for your rights. Ultimately, the decision to hire an attorney or advocate during a divorce will depend on your unique circumstances and the complexity of your case. How do I ...
Online Divorce - South Africa

The Online Divorce – I want to get divorced now, but I want to do it online. Is it at all possible?

Can technology be used to have me divorced online? I do not want to go to court or see my spouse again. Is an online divorce possible? When a marriage breaks down, people naturally would want information on the topic of divorces and the legal process. For this, they usually go online to find answers. This information they seek could include, how divorces works, the process and how long it takes. Of course, if there are minor children involved, parents would want to know what the parental rights and responsibilities are as well. This relates to issues of care, contact, child maintenance etc. Then there is the issue of proprietary rights. In other words who gets what assets or money if there is a joint estate. This article, however, deals with the issue regarding whether or not a couple's divorce can be done online? Two main aspects of a divorce process Broadly speaking the divorce process can be divided into two processes. The first aspect relates to that of instituting the divorce proceedings and getting the matter to court. The second aspect relates to the actual divorce proceedings in court. As can be seen, further below, the divorce process is analogue. The only part of it that ...
Best Divorce Lawyer Somerset West Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf Cape Town

Best Divorce Lawyer Advice if you are living in Somerset West – Cape Town – Western Cape

Best advice on finding a top divorce lawyer for your divorce case in Somerset West, Cape Town Do you live in Somerset West, and are you considering divorcing your spouse? Or have you been threatened with divorce? Either way, a divorce is a legal matter, and it is best to find sound legal advice or assistance. Furthermore, divorcing someone has potential severe legal consequences you may not know of. The first consequence, of course, is that you are no longer married to your former spouse, and there is no legal obligation to maintain each other (unless you qualify for alimony). You may also not inherit from your former spouse’s intestate. Lastly, and obviously, you are free to marry someone else. However, do you know of the proprietary (property) consequences of getting a divorce? What about the assets and debt you and your spouse incurred in Somerset West or elsewhere during your marriage? Do you know what should happen to it? If not, it is best you find out about these critical aspects and others before getting divorced. Then there is the issue of parental responsibilities and rights after the divorce should there be minor children involved. This article aims to provide guidance on finding the best attorney ...

Divorce – 5 things you should consider before getting divorced

When getting divorced, always consider: Child Maintenance, Child Custody, Parenting Plans, Assets and your Legal Options 1. Divorce – your legal options Our law offices have a number of legal options that can be well explained for you by the legal expert. Divorce can be a costly affair, leaving a burning hole in your pocket. However, with the right legal expert on board, this needn’t be the case. The creators of this website had made free, expert legal advice easily accessible for your convenience. For more on your legal options and ideas for your divorce, see the following links: How to Change your Matrimonial Property Regime Do your own Unopposed Divorce. No lawyers needed and its Free. Parental Rights of Divorced Muslim parents after a Talaq or Faskh Free Online Divorce Assistance Form – DIY Cape Town South Africa comprising of: Divorce guide Sample of High Court Summons Particulars of Claim Notice of Set Down The free divorce starter toolkit provides you with the necessary tools to attend to the unopposed divorce on your own. The tools include a template Summons, Particulars of Claim and a Notice of Set-Down. Should you wish to have a one on one legal consultation with legal expert himself, then do feel ...

Divorce – There is no reason why your divorce should not be friendly and uncontested.

Uncontested divorces - Notice of Set Down for undefended and uncontested divorce matters - The document used to place your divorce on the divorce court roll Undefended, unopposed or uncontested divorce cases are what all divorcing couples should strive towards. If the marriage broke down completely and there is no possibility of saving it, then why fight any longer? If both parties act fairly, there is no need to spend thousands of Rands on legal fees. That money can be used on starting a new life. If there are minor children involved, then the money saved in avoiding litigation can be used on them. At the end of the day, no one really benefits from a long drawn out or protracted contested divorce process. What is the simplest divorce? The simplest divorce is when the parties are married out of community of property and profit and loss, with the exclusion of the accrual regime. What this means, it that whatever property a spouse owns during the marriage, still belongs to him or her after the marriage. There is also no need to pay the other spouse any amount after the divorce as an accrual. The simplest divorce would also require there to be no minor children born ...

South African divorce law

Quick divorce in South Africa Having a quick divorce is one thing. But being by the financial means however, is another aspect. Divorces are never easy by virtue of the fact that it either involves children or assets that needs to be divided up equally. This in itself, also depends on whether the couple had an Ante-Nuptial Contract, also known as “ANC” in place and whether they are married in, or out of community of property. Our law offices encountered a number of divorce cases of a complex nature which requires litigation in the High Courts of South Africa – the emotional and financial strain can be unbearable on the parties involved. In essence, it is safe to say that in our books, “quick divorces” does not exist unless it is an uncontested or unopposed divorce. In layman’s terms, this is a divorce that neither parties oppose and both parties are in agreement of the divorce. Under these circumstances, a divorce can be relatively quick. Our law offices are able to deal with unopposed divorces within a matter of three weeks. Furthermore, a contested divorce may even take years and the period of time it takes for a divorce to be finalized in the High Courts, depends ...
Best divorce questions and answers lawyer advocate cape town south africa

Divorce Questions and Answers – Best divorce advice before starting divorce proceedings

I want to get divorced as soon as possible with or without an attorney or advocate. What are the legal processes and best way to proceed? Divorce involves a complex set of legal, financial, and emotional considerations, and people often have numerous questions when going through the process. While specific questions can vary based on individual circumstances, here are some frequently asked divorce questions along with general answers. Keep in mind that these are general guidelines and may not apply to every situation. Consultation with a legal professional (advocate or attorney) is recommended for personalized advice. Q: How do I start the divorce process? A: The divorce process typically begins by filing a divorce summons with the appropriate court. Consult with an attorney or advocate to understand the specific procedures in your jurisdiction. Basically, the court you need to approach is where you or your spouse resides. Q: What are the grounds for divorce? A: Grounds for divorce are numerous, but may include irreconcilable differences, separation, adultery, cruelty, or abandonment. Basically, the marriage should have irretrievably broken down or cannot be saved. Q: How long does the divorce process take? A: The duration of the divorce process varies widely. It depends on factors such as the complexity ...
Best Divorce Lawyer Gordons Bay Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf Parow

Best Divorce Lawyer Advice if you are living in Gordons Bay – Cape Town – Western Cape

Best advice on finding a top divorce lawyer for your divorce case in Gordons Bay, Cape Town Do you live in Gordons Bay, and are you considering divorcing your spouse? Or have you been threatened with divorce? Either way, a divorce is a legal matter, and it is best to find sound legal advice or assistance. Furthermore, divorcing someone has potential severe legal consequences you may not know of. The first consequence, of course, is that you are no longer married to your former spouse, and there is no legal obligation to maintain each other (unless you qualify for alimony). You may also not inherit from your former spouse’s intestate. Lastly, and obviously, you are free to marry someone else. However, do you know of the proprietary (property) consequences of getting a divorce? What about the assets and debt you and your spouse incurred in Gordons Bay or elsewhere during your marriage? Do you know what should happen to it? If not, it is best you find out about these critical aspects and others before getting divorced. Then there is the issue of parental responsibilities and rights after the divorce should there be minor children involved. This article aims to provide guidance on finding the best attorney ...
Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf Cape Town South Africa

30 Advcoate Muhammad Abduroaf – Family Law South Africa – Uncontested Divorces

Family Law Service - Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf - Finding the best lawyer for you. Choosing the right law firm (Attorney or Advocate) can be a daunting task in the intricate landscape of legal matters. Whether you're facing a complex litigation case, navigating corporate law, or seeking legal assistance for personal issues, the decision of which law firm to engage is crucial. At the firm Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf, we understand the significance of this decision, and we aim to demonstrate why choosing our firm can make all the difference. Expertise and Specialisation One of the primary reasons for choosing our law firm is our expertise and specialisation in diverse legal areas. As you can see from this website, advocate Muhammad Abduroaf practices in various fields of law. This breadth of expertise ensures that no matter the nature of your legal issue, you will have access to knowledgeable and experienced professionals who can provide tailored solutions. Personalised Approach We recognise that every client and every case is unique. That's why we prioritise a personalised approach to legal representation. From the moment you engage our services, we take the time to understand your specific needs, concerns, and objectives. This allows us to develop strategies and solutions customised to your circumstances, ...
Best Divorce Lawyer Cape Town Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf Wynberg

Best Divorce Lawyer Advice if you are living in Milnerton – Cape Town – Western Cape

Best advice on finding a top divorce lawyer for your divorce case  in Wynberg, Cape Town Do you live in Wynberg, and are you considering divorcing your spouse? Or have you been threatened with divorce? Either way, a divorce is a legal matter, and it is best to find sound legal advice or assistance. Furthermore, divorcing someone has potential severe legal consequences you may not know of. The first consequence, of course, is that you are no longer married to your former spouse, and there is no legal obligation to maintain each other (unless you qualify for alimony). You may also not inherit from your former spouse’s intestate. Lastly, and obviously, you are free to marry someone else. However, do you know of the proprietary (property) consequences of getting a divorce? What about the assets and debt you and your spouse incurred in Wynberg or elsewhere during your marriage? Do you know what should happen to it? If not, it is best you find out about these critical aspects and others before getting divorced. Then there is the issue of parental responsibilities and rights after the divorce should there be minor children involved. This article aims to provide guidance on finding the best attorney or advocate for ...
Marriage Contract - Out of Community of Property with Accrual - Advocate Abduroaf

Best divorce lawyer advice – Cape Town – Marriage Out of Community of Property

What is a marriage out of community of property? In South Africa, a Marriage out of community of property is a legal arrangement that allows a married couple to keep their financial assets and liabilities separate from each other. This means that each spouse has full ownership and control over their own property and finances, and they are not automatically responsible for each other's debts and financial obligations. They have to enter into an antenuptial contract.  In the event of a divorce or the death of one spouse, the assets and debts of each spouse are usually distributed according to the terms of an ante-nuptial contract. There are typically two main types of marital property regimes when it comes to marriage out of community of property: Marriage out of community of property with accrual: In this type of arrangement, the couple's financial affairs are separate during the marriage, but they agree that if the marriage ends (either through divorce or death), the growth or increase in the value of their respective assets during the marriage will be shared equally. This means that any assets or wealth acquired before the marriage remains separate, but the increase in value of these assets during the marriage is subject to sharing ...
Parental Alienation South Africa Law

Parental Alienation in the situation of a divorce or separation – What can a parent do?

Parental Alienation in the situation of a divorce or separation – What can a parent do? Family law becomes challenging when there are children in the equation. If a couple who were not married, broke up, there is not much to squabble about afterward if there were no kids. The same applies to a divorced couple. The only potential issues in such a divorce would be that of the matrimonial property regime and possible personal maintenance. If there are children involved, couples must deal with the issue of child maintenance, care, contact, and guardianship as well. The latter issues are usually the stumbling blocks in a divorce case or post-separation. At the end of the day, in all matters concerning children, the law says that their best interests should be upheld. Now let us look at the issue of parental alienation in the context of child custody disputes. What is parental alienation? This article in no means provides a psychological analysis or definition of parental alienation. It deals with the legal relief a parent can seek should parental alienation be perpetrated. On the web, the following definition of parental alienation is provided: “The term parental alienation refers to psychological manipulation of a child, by saying and doing ...
Best Divorce Lawyer Cape Town Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf Wynberg

Best Divorce Lawyer Advice if you are living in Wynberg – Cape Town – Western Cape

Best advice on finding a top divorce lawyer for your divorce case in Wynberg, Cape Town Do you live in Wynberg, and are you considering divorcing your spouse? Or have you been threatened with divorce? Either way, a divorce is a legal matter, and it is best to find sound legal advice or assistance. Furthermore, divorcing someone has potential severe legal consequences you may not know of. The first consequence, of course, is that you are no longer married to your former spouse, and there is no legal obligation to maintain each other (unless you qualify for alimony). You may also not inherit from your former spouse’s intestate. Lastly, and obviously, you are free to marry someone else. However, do you know of the proprietary (property) consequences of getting a divorce? What about the assets and debt you and your spouse incurred in Wynberg or elsewhere during your marriage? Do you know what should happen to it? If not, it is best you find out about these critical aspects and others before getting divorced. Then there is the issue of parental responsibilities and rights after the divorce should there be minor children involved. This article aims to provide guidance on finding the best attorney or advocate for ...
Best Divorce Lawyer Seapoint Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf Cape Town

Best Divorce Lawyer Advice if you are living in Sea Point – Cape Town – Western Cape

Best advice on finding a top divorce lawyer for your divorce case in Sea Point, Cape Town Do you live in Seapoint, and are you considering divorcing your spouse? Or have you been threatened with divorce? Either way, a divorce is a legal matter, and it is best to find sound legal advice or assistance. Furthermore, divorcing someone has potential severe legal consequences you may not know of. The first consequence, of course, is that you are no longer married to your former spouse, and there is no legal obligation to maintain each other (unless you qualify for alimony). You may also not inherit from your former spouse’s intestate. Lastly, and obviously, you are free to marry someone else. However, do you know of the proprietary (property) consequences of getting a divorce? What about the assets and debt you and your spouse incurred in Sea Point or elsewhere during your marriage? Do you know what should happen to it? If not, it is best you find out about these critical aspects and others before getting divorced. Then there is the issue of parental responsibilities and rights after the divorce should there be minor children involved. This article aims to provide guidance on finding the best attorney or ...
Best divorce custody child maintenance lawyer advocate attorney South Africa

How do I find the Best Divorce Lawyer (Attorney or Advocate) in South Africa for my case?

My marriage has broken down. I want to find the best divorce lawyer (Attorney or Advocate) in South Africa for my case. How do I do it? Finding the best divorce lawyer in South Africa involves thorough research and consideration of various factors. Here are some steps to help you find a reputable divorce lawyer: Ask for Recommendations: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues who have gone through a divorce or have legal knowledge. Consult with other professionals you trust, such as accountants, therapists, or even other lawyers. Online Research: Use online legal directories and platforms that provide information about lawyers in South Africa. Read reviews and testimonials from previous clients to gauge the lawyer's reputation. Bar Councils or Law Societies: Contact the Law Society of South Africa, Legal Practice Council, or the provincial bar association. They can provide a list of qualified divorce lawyers, attorneys or advocates. Consult with Multiple Lawyers: Schedule consultations with several divorce lawyers to discuss your case and assess their expertise and approach. Inquire about their experience in handling divorce cases, especially those similar to yours. Check Credentials: Verify the lawyer's credentials, including their education, licensing, and any additional certifications. Confirm their specialization in family law or divorce cases. Consider Experience: ...
Best Divorce Lawyer Hout Bay Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf Parow

Best advice on finding a top divorce lawyer for your case in Hout Bay

Best advice on finding a top divorce lawyer for your divorce case in Hout Bay, Cape Town Do you live in Hout Bay, and are you considering divorcing your spouse? Or have you been threatened with divorce? Either way, a divorce is a legal matter, and it is best to find sound legal advice or assistance. Furthermore, divorcing someone has potential severe legal consequences you may not know of. The first consequence, of course, is that you are no longer married to your former spouse, and there is no legal obligation to maintain each other (unless you qualify for alimony). You may also not inherit from your former spouse’s intestate. Lastly, and obviously, you are free to marry someone else. However, do you know of the proprietary (property) consequences of getting a divorce? What about the assets and debt you and your spouse incurred in Hout Bay or elsewhere during your marriage? Do you know what should happen to it? If not, it is best you find out about these critical aspects and others before getting divorced. Then there is the issue of parental responsibilities and rights after the divorce should there be minor children involved. This article aims to provide guidance on finding the best attorney ...
Free quick fast Cheap Divorces South Africa Abduroaf

Are you getting divorce in South Africa? Here are some frequently asked questions about divorces

Commonly asked questions about divorce in South Africa. The South African Courts are granting divorces to people on a daily basis. Some divorces were initiated a few weeks ago, and others go back several years. The distinction between couples who obtained a divorce in a matter of weeks and those who waited for years is straightforward. Those who chose to wait a few weeks realised that fighting was futile, and by getting divorced sooner, they could move on with their lives more quickly. Our unopposed divorce service If your marriage has broken down and you and your spouse agree to get divorced, talk to us about your uncontested divorce options. We guarantee that your divorce will be resolved swiftly and with minimal stress and anxiety. Here are some frequently asked questions about divorce. If you have any particular questions, don't hesitate to schedule a consultation with us. What are the costs of an unopposed divorce? The costs of an unopposed divorce would vary. That would depend on the law firm and the issues involved. We offer an unopposed divorce at a fixed fee. What questions to ask when considering divorce? The most important question to ask when considering divorce is whether your marriage can be saved. If ...
Best Divorce Lawyer Claremont Advocate Muhammad Abduroaf Parow

Best Divorce Lawyer Advice if you are living in Claremont – Cape Town – Western Cape

Best advice on finding a top divorce lawyer for your divorce case in Claremont, Cape Town Do you live in Claremont, and are you considering divorcing your spouse? Or have you been threatened with divorce? Either way, a divorce is a legal matter, and it is best to find sound legal advice or assistance. Furthermore, divorcing someone has potential severe legal consequences you may not know of. The first consequence, of course, is that you are no longer married to your former spouse, and there is no legal obligation to maintain each other (unless you qualify for alimony). You may also not inherit from your former spouse’s intestate. Lastly, and obviously, you are free to marry someone else. However, do you know of the proprietary (property) consequences of getting a divorce? What about the assets and debt you and your spouse incurred in Claremont or elsewhere during your marriage? Do you know what should happen to it? If not, it is best you find out about these critical aspects and others before getting divorced. Then there is the issue of parental responsibilities and rights after the divorce should there be minor children involved. This article aims to provide guidance on finding the best attorney or advocate for ...

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