Lawyer, attorneys, advocates in Cape Town
Below are searched phases regarding legal services in Cape Town, South Africa. We give a brief explanation.
Maintenance Lawyers in Cape Town
A maintenance Lawyer would assist you in obtaining child maintenance or maintenance for yourself.
Legal Cape Town
You would use this search term should you require legal advice or services in Cape Town
Family law consultation
This consultation would deal with various aspects of family law. This includes child maintenance, custody, domestic violence or divorce.
Legal lawyer
All lawyers deal with legal matters.
Affordable family law attorney
There are many affordable family law attorneys.
Legal aid help
Legal aid is for persons who cannot afford legal assistance.
Family law issues
This relates to various issues. I can be marital, custody or domestic violence.
Legal services
Various lawyers offers legal services.
Custody attorney
A child custody attorney would assist you in obtaining custody or visitation to your child
Legal aid for poor people
Legal Aid is there to assist people who cannot afford legal representation.
Family law advice
This relates to divorce, custody, and relationship issues.
Custody law
This relates to the rights of parents to their child.
Marriage lawyer
This lawyer would assist you in drafting an Antenuptial Contract and Divorcing parties.
Family law attorney dealing with child custody
This attorney would assist you with child custody issues.
Legal divorce
For a divorce to be legal, it needs to be done by a court of law.
Child custody and visitation
This relates to the right of parents and interested parties to have contact and care over a child.
Alimony lawyer
This lawyer assists spouses in receiving maintenance for themselves.
Child custody attorney
This attorney assists with child custody issues. This includes visitation.
Legal aid lawyers
These lawyers work for legal aid institutions.
Divorce attorneys in Cape Town
There are many divorce attorneys in Cape Town.
Paternity lawyer
This lawyer would assist should there be a dispute regarding paternity.
Labour lawyers Cape Town
There are many labour lawyers in Cape Town
Divorce without a lawyer
It is possible to divorce without a lawyer.
Legal aid family law lawyers
Legal aid does have famiily lawyers.
Legal aid assistance
This is where legal aid assists you.
Family law adoption
Adoption falls under family law. Speak to a family lawyer.
Family law attorneys
Theses attorneys deal with child custody, divorce and so on.
Legal services civil advocate
This would be an advocate who does not deal in criminal matters.
legal aid legal services corp
This would relate to a legal aid business.
Unbundled legal services
This would relate to unbundled legal services offered.
Maintenance court
Each magistarial area in Cape Town has a maintenance court.
Free lawyer services
Some lawyers offer free legal services.
Divorce child custody
Divorce and Child custody goes and in hand.
Separation lawyer
A lawyer who would assist you during separation.
Legal advice
A lawyer would provide this.
Family law mediation
This is an option where you do not want to go to court and have the matter resoved with the assistance of a third party. Usually a mediator.
Child visitation lawyers
A chid visitation lawyer would assit you in obtaining contact to your child.
Low cost family law attorney
There are attorneys who charge a lawyer cost.
Uncontested divorce lawyer
A divorce where both parties agree to it. The lawyer would assist.
Family law divorce lawyer
This would be a lawyer, attorney or advocate that deals with family and divorce matters.
Family law practice
This would be a legal practice, of either an attorney or advocate who specialises in Family Law.
Community legal services
These are organisations that assists the public with legal issues.
Legal consultation
This would be a consultation with an attorney or advocate for legal advice
Family practice lawyer
An attorney or advocate specialising in family legal matters.
Custody issues
Child custody issues relate to matters of visitation, guardianship and so on.
Marriage attorney
A marriage attorney is one who deals with ante-nuptial contract, parenting plans, and divorces.
Legal offices
Legal offices are the places where lawyers work and consult from.
Lawyer consultation
Law consultations are consultations with lawyers for advice.
Family custody lawyers
Family custody lawyers assists parents with their parental rights.
Attorneys cape town
There are many attorneys in Cape Town
Fathers custody rights
A father’s custody rights may differ if he was married to the mother or not as well as his involvement in the child’s life.
Custody lawyers
Custody lawyers assists parents with their custody rights.
Child custody lawyers
Child Custody lawyers assists parents with their custody rights.
Legal advice service
Various, if not all lawyers provide a legal advice service.
Maintenance court cape town
Cape Town has a maintenance court.
Law lawyers
All lawyers deal with law.
Fathers rights child custody
A father’s right to child custody depends on whether he was married to the child’s mother. It also depends on his involvement in the child’s life.
Divorce advocate
A divorce advocate specialises in divorce matters.
Family law
The branch of law dealing with family issues. For example, marriage, divorce, child custody and maintenance.
Legal help
Legal assistance.
Divorce cape town
Many divorces take place in Cape Town
Legal advisory
A legal advisory is a place that advices on legal matters.
Domestic lawyer
This would be a local lawyer.
Child custody for fathers
This would apply if there are issues regarding custody for fathers in relation to they children.
Family court lawyer
A family court lawyer is a lawyer who represents clients in the family court.
Legal aid lawyer services
Lawyers that assist you working for the legal aid.
Family law legal aid
Legal aid that assists in family law matters.
Our lawyer
This would refer to Our Lawyer (Pty) Ltd.
Child maintenance
This relates to support for children by parents.
Family law lawyers
There are many family law lawyers in Cape Town.
low income lawyers
legal aid legal aid
legal help page
relocation consent with minor child
lawyers in cape town
free legal aid family law
legal aid attorney
family law child custody
labour lawyers
legal services
divorce and family law practice
free service lawyer for family court in
pro bono health care legal aid
free attorney advice
reduced fee employment legal aid
asian legal assistance
legal services network
reduced fee family law assistance
pro bono family law
legal aid advice
free legal services
Affordable attorney
There are many affordable attorneys in Cape Town.
Family law referral services
Family law services where they refer you to a specific lawyer.
Legal aid child support attorney
This would be an attorney work works for legal aid assisting parents with child support.
Reduced fee domestic violence legal aid
Some lawyers may reduce their fees for domestic violence matters.
Pro bono domestic violence legal aid
These would be lawyers who assist for free on domestic violence matters.
Free family attorney
There are certain attorneys who do not charge for certain services.
Pro bono employment legal aid
Legal aid assists people who cannot afford a lawyer.
Free lawyer consultation
You would find lawyers offering free first time consultations.
Pro bono family law services
Some lawyer offers free family law services.
Pro bono representation
Probono relates to free legal assistance.
Employment legal services
This is a lawyer who assists in employment matters.
Pro bono civil lawyers
Lawyers who do not charge for civil matters.
Family law services
This relatest to child custody, divorce, relocation, and so on.
Reduced fee health care legal aid
This would relate to a lawyer offering free health care legal advice.
Free lawyer advice
Some lawyers offer free advice.
Pro bono family law lawyers in Cape Town
This would relate to a lawyer operating in Cape Town offering free family law assistance.
Pro bono insurance law assistance
This is where a lawyer assist you for free fro insurance matters.
Pro bono attorneys for child support
Some attorneys would not charge you for child support claims.
Lawyer aid service
This would be where a lawyer assist you for free.
Free family law assistance
This is where you receive free family law assistance.
Free family law services
Some organisations offer free legal services in the field of family law.
Corporate legal advice service
This relates to companies and businesses. For example, issues relating to contracts, or labour issues.
Legal services of lawyers
This relatest to the legal services lawyers offer.
Reduced fee family law services
Some law firms offer reduced fees for family law matters.
Legal Aid legal services
This is where legal advice would assist you with a legal matter.
Pro bono family law assistance
Some lawyers offer free legal family law assistance.
Law firms in Cape Town
There are many law firms in Cape Town dealing with a variety of matters.
We are looking at getting divorced. An uncontested divorce. We agree on all the terms we just want to get it over with. Being as cost friendly as possible.
Feel free to schedule a consultation using the link We can speed up the process.
Good day we have a case against police for unexplained and unlawful assault against my husband while he was working in public and he was also robbed of his days earnings,the Ipid investigation is undergoing and we have CCTV footage of everything…but we don’t have the money for lawyer please if you could help🙏
Good day
You may want to consider organisations like Legal Aid.
Good Day
Please, I urgently need help.
My ex husband is not paying child support.
He knows that I can not afford a Attorney and take him to court.
I am raising our 2 daughter by myself, on just my small income.
If his kids asks him for money he is nasty to them.
I am so frustrated, hurt, sad, as my kids do not have to suffer. As a father it is his one responsibility to support his children. When I do speak to him about money and assistance, he is rude, leaves me thumbs up emojis, he does not care. Or says he does not have money. My hands are tied. I can not afford a Lawyer to go to take him to court. He was ordered to pay R3000 a month when we first got divorced 3 years ago. Please, is there anyone that can help me? Even just to send him a letter. I beg for your assistance
My case is at high Court. Legal aid and pro bona lawyers can’t assist me because of my assets. I have been abuse. I am a pensioner. Co-owner of two homes. I must wait for 2 years fo pretrial date. I was told to F out of our home. Three and a half years from home. At the moment I am homeless. Need some advice. Many thanks.
Try the Legal Resources Centre of the University Legal Aids.