Frequently Asked Legal Questions

Do you have a legal question?

Below are frequently asked legal questions. Feel free to post your question below.

What is considered giving legal advice?
Are any lawyers free?
What is the legal assistance?
Can I get legal aid for custody of my child?
Who can give you legal advice?
Is there a difference between opinion and advice?
What do I do if I can t afford a lawyer?
Do all lawyers have to do pro bono work?
Do military lawyers get deployed?
How does legal aid get funded?
Can you file for full custody without a lawyer?
How much does it cost to get a lawyer for child custody?
What is a legal representation?
What is the definition of a legal services?
What is the difference between advice and recommendation?
What is the difference between giving advice and offering suggestions?
What does pro bono legal services mean?
What is a pro bono case?
How much does a JAG lawyer get paid?
How do you become a lawyer in the military?
What is a legal assistant job description?
What is paralegal training?
What is a retainer fee for a lawyer?
How much does it cost to get a lawyer?
What do you call a lawyer who works for a percentage of the winnings?
Who profits on Latin?
Can I represent myself in a criminal case?
What do you do if you need a lawyer and can t afford one?
How a mother can win child custody?
How long does it take to get a decision on legal aid?
What is considered giving legal advice?
What is the legal assistance?
How do you prove a mother unfit?
Do moms usually get custody?
Can you get legal aid for divorce in England?
Can I get legal aid for custody of my child?
Do military lawyers get deployed?
How does legal aid get funded?
What is the father’s rights to his child?
What percentage of fathers have custody?
What is a legal assistant and what do they do?
How do you become a legal aid?
Is it kidnapping if there is no custody order?
Can a mother move a child away from the father?
How does custody work with unmarried parents?
Can you take a child out of the state without the father’s permission?
Can a father take a baby away from its mother?
Can the custodial parent move away with a child?
Can you move out of state if you have joint custody?
How does remarriage affect child custody?
Can my child be taken out of the country without the father’s permission?
What is the definition of custodial parent?
How much does a legal assistant make a year?
Can you be a legal assistant without a degree?
Can a man get custody of his child?
How a mother can win child custody?
Can visitation be denied to a non custodial parent?
Can you change your child’s last name without the father’s consent?
How much does a JAG lawyer get paid?
How do you become a lawyer in the military?
Do moms usually get custody?
How do you prove a parent unfit?
What rights does a mother have to her child?
What is an unfit parent?

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