Twenty-four hours seven days a week Legal Advice Service – Cape Town
Legal Advice is something we all may need in some time of our lives. However, problems do not only arise during business hours. It may arise at any time. What if

you find out late on a Saturday evening that the other parent of your child decided to leave Cape Town, or the the Country with your child? Can they do that? What are your rights as a parent?
Legal Advice, arranged at any time – Cape Town
We created a system whereby you can call us seven days a week, 24 hours a day and make use of our interactive telephone system. Should you call us, you may leave a voice message with all the relevant information and we shall get back to you. The voice messages left are always monitored. You may call us on any of our numbers found on our web pages.
Our contact numbers – Cape Town
Our contact numbers for afterhours legal advice, is 0211110090 or 0877011124. You may also call us on our Skype link free of charge. At least one of the numbers are accessible twenty-four seven, and we will get back to you. We would then send you the relevant link to arrange the consultation online and make the necessary payment for the consultation. As you will be leaving a voice mail, depending how urgent it is, it may even be possible to have the consultation after hours or on a weekend. This would obviously be in exceptional circumstances.
Making an Appointment Online – Cape Town
To speed up things, you may also make an appointment online. The link is for such an appointment is here. You would then provide us with the relevant information, a provisional date for the appointment, and we shall then send you an email with all the payment details etc. In this way we can expedite matters drastically.
We are looking forward to being of assistance to you.