New lockdown regulations regarding the movement of children – Certain Parents may move children during the National Lockdown period

Lockdown Regulations Movement of Children allowed with Court Order

Updated: 16 April 2020

New regulations have been issued on 16 April 2020. Click on the link below:

The material change is that you do not have to have a court order or a parental responsibilities and rights agreement or parenting plan, registered with the family advocate. Possession of a birth certificate or certified copy of a birth certificate is now also allowed.

If you have a court order, or a parental responsibilities and rights agreement or parenting plan registered with the office of the Family Advocate, you can move children during the lockdown period, if certain conditions are met.

Today, the Minister of Social Development, Ms Lindiwe Zulu, MP, made changes to the regulations regarding the movement of children during the lockdown period. It is now possible for certain children to be moved between parents during the lockdown period.

The regulations apply to the following parents only:

  1. There are arrangements in place for the children to move for one parent to another in terms of a court order; or
  2. A parental responsibilities and rights agreement or parenting plan registered with the office of the Family Advocate; and
  3. In the household to which the child is to move, there is no person who is known to have come into contact with, or is reasonably suspected to have come into contact with, a person known to have contracted, or reasonably suspected to have contracted, COVID-19;
  4. The parent or caregiver transporting the child concerned must have in his or her possession, the court order or the latter agreement, or a certified copy thereof.

Below are the relevant regulations:

Lockdown Regulations Movement of Children allowed with Court Order

Lockdown Regulations Movement of Children allowed with Court Order


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