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Our Lawyer Webinar Advocate Abduroaf

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Zoom Webinar Details

Date: Friday 29 January 2021

Time: 10:00

Topic: Child Custody Disputes and Battles Part 4. How do I get the best out of my case?

Submit your questions when registering, or live on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AdvMuhammadAbduroaf/live/

Register by completing the form below.

Zoom meeting ID and Passcode

The Zoom meeting ID and Passcode will be provided to you on the day prior to the webinar. You may also receive additional reminder notifications via email and/or SMS.

The link to the video would be provided to you once it has been uploaded. It may be uploaded to various social media platforms and websites and available for sharing on mobile devices etc. You may receive the video via WhatsApp as well.

FACEBOOK LIVE: You may also watch the video live using your Facebook account. Click here and like the page and to view the webinar live. We however still recommend that your register below so that you may receive notifications and a link to the video after it has been published

Friendly House Rules: 

  1. All participants, other than the host’s/panel’s microphone, would and should be muted. You may leave your webcam on. However, your face may then appear in the video when made public.
  2. You need to join the webinar at the allocated time.
  3. LATE REGISTRATION: You must register at least 2 (two) hours before the webinar starting time in order to receive the Zoom details via email. If you registered late, you will still receive the video link with all the other registrants once it’s published. So please go ahead and register.
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