The Magistrate’s Permit – Movement of Children during the Lockdown
View the new regulations on Movement of children during the Lockdown
(Regulation 17)
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In order to move children between homes, you require the following:
1. Court Order; or
2. Parenting Plan registered with the Office of the Family Advocate; or
3. Parental responsibilities and rights agreement registered with the Office of the Family Advocate; and
4. The household to which the child has to move must be free of COVID-19.
A Magistrate’s Permit
3 Steps to obtain a Magistrate’s Permit:
1. Visit your Magistrate’s Court.
2. Take with the child’s birth certificate or certified copy.
3. Provide written reasons as to why the movement of the child is necessary.
The household to which the child has to move must be free of COVID-19.
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