ABC Guide to Applying for Child Support/Child Maintenance in Cape Town (and South Africa)
The procedures for instituting a complaint for child maintenance are regulated by the Maintenance Act 99 of 1998. Below is a simple “ABC” guide to help you get started in claiming maintenance for yourself, your children, or dependents. This guide was created to encourage individuals to seek the maintenance they need. Please remember that the Maintenance Court is available to assist you with any legal queries you may have. This guide would apply whether you live in Cape Town, or anywhere in South Africa.
Before outlining the steps for claiming maintenance in Cape Town (or anywhere in South Africa), I will first address the following question:
Question: From whom can maintenance be claimed?
Answer:Maintenance can be claimed from individuals who have a legal obligation to provide it. For example, children can claim maintenance from their parents, and a wife can claim it from her husband, and vice versa. Since children are minors, their parent or guardian assists them in the maintenance process; however, it is ultimately the child who is making the claim. This guide applies to all senarios.
What are the basic steps to follow when claiming child maintenance in Cape Town (or anywhere in South Africa)
Step 1: Gather Income and Expenses
1. Collect all proof of income, such as pay slips. If you are self-employed, obtain documentation that verifies your monthly earnings. If you are unemployed, that’s acceptable as well.
2. Compile a list of all monthly expenses for yourself and your children. This should include rent, groceries, clothing, entertainment, etc. This information will be essential when completing the maintenance application form in Step 2.
3. Gather details about the individual from whom you are requesting maintenance, including their home and work addresses, as well as their identity number.
Step 2: Visit the Maintenance Court
1. Go to the Maintenance Court closest to your location and obtain the “Application for Maintenance Order Form,” commonly referred to as “Form A.” If you live or work in the Cape Town CBD, then then go to the Cape Town Maintenance Court.
2. Use the information collected in Step 1 to fill out the form. The form is an affidavit, so you will need to swear to the accuracy of the information and sign it. Be honest in your disclosures, as providing incorrect information may lead to cross-examination in court, which can work against you.
3. If you need assistance in completing the form, the maintenance officers will be available to help you. After filling out the Application for Maintenance Order Form, return it to the maintenance officer for processing. If the officer can provide you with a reference or case number immediately, be sure to request it.
4. The Maintenance Court will send you and the individual you are claiming maintenance from a notice or subpoena to appear at the Maintenance Court for an inquiry with the maintenance officer. Make sure to mark the date on your calendar right away and arrange your work commitments and childcare as soon as possible. Missing the date may result in delays of several months in rescheduling your hearing.
Get Your Documents in Order – Step 3
From the moment you leave the office of the maintenance officer and even from the time you decide to claim maintenance, it’s crucial to keep all receipts for any items purchased for yourself and your child. Whether it’s diapers, toys, or any other necessities, treat those receipts as if they are gold. This is important because you will need to prove to the court that you genuinely spend money on your child, and having the receipts will serve as evidence.
Notification from the Maintenance Court
You will soon receive a notification from the Maintenance Court regarding a date to return for an inquiry. You may be informed by mail, email or through a subpoena. On that date, both you and the individual from whom you are claiming maintenance must appear. If you plan to have a legal representative, let them know the date as soon as possible, so they can be available to assist you in court.
In the notice to appear for the maintenance inquiry, you will be required to bring proof of all expenses and income for both yourself and your child. This is why it’s essential to keep all evidence of expenditures in a secure place.
**Hint:** If possible, bring both the original documents and photocopies. The originals can be taken home afterward, while the copies will remain in the court file.
The Maintenance Inquiry – Step 4
This step involves the maintenance inquiry where you and the party from whom you are claiming maintenance will meet with a maintenance officer. The officer will speak with each party and review the documents provided. Both parties will have the opportunity to explain why maintenance is needed and why the requested amount may be unaffordable.
The maintenance officer will try to resolve the matter on the spot to avoid a court trial. If an agreement can be reached, that amount can be formalized as a court order. If an agreement cannot be reached, the case may be referred to trial, depending on the court’s procedures.
Remember, if you are a father or a person currently paying maintenance or child support, you can apply for a reduction. Conversely, if you need an increase in maintenance or child support, you can also make that application.
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This article and others on this website are written by Adv. Muhammad Abduroaf to assist individuals with various family law-related issues. If you find our articles, resources, or posts helpful, consider sharing them on social media.