Execute and Register Your Ante-Nuptial or Prenuptial Contract in Cape Town today
Marriage is a significant milestone for any couple. It marks the beginning of a shared life together and represents a legal commitment where the law grants married couples specific rights and responsibilities. For instance, spouses have a legal obligation to support one another, cannot marry anyone else while still married, and, importantly, if they do not enter into an ante-nuptial or prenuptial contract, they will have a joint estate. This means there is no longer two separate estates, but one estate shared by both, in undivided shares.
Ante-Nuptial or Prenuptial Contract (Registered in Cape Town or anywhere in South Africa)
An ante-nuptial or prenuptial contract is a legal agreement made between you and your intended spouse that outlines the matrimonial property regime and specifies any property or assets that will be included or excluded. The contract must be drafted and executed before a Notary Public and then registered at the Deeds Office. It is essential that this is done before you marry to avoid being married in community of property. If this step is overlooked, the only way to change your marital property regime would be to seek consent from the High Court, which can be very expensive.
Out of Community of Property
If you and your intended spouse prefer to maintain separate estates while married, this can be advantageous for those who are business owners. In the case of financial difficulties for one spouse, only that individual’s estate would be affected. For example, if one spouse were to face insolvency, creditors could only sequestrate that person’s personal estate, not the other’s. Additionally, if one spouse accumulates wealth, it would belong solely to them, rather than being joint property. To enter into this arrangement, you would need to be married out of community of property, excluding the accrual regime, which requires a prenuptial contract to be in place before marriage.
Accrual Regime (Out of community of property)
If you desire to maintain two separate estates during your marriage but wish to benefit from your spouse’s estate in the event of divorce or death, you would need to enter into an ante-nuptial contract before getting married. This arrangement allows for sharing half the difference between the two estates should one spouse pass away or in the event of a divorce.
Ante-Nuptial or Prenuptial Contract Registration (Cape Town)
Experience has shown that many people postpone this crucial aspect of their marriage until the last minute. It is unwise to rush through this process. We offer professional and confidential advice regarding the legal implications of ante-nuptial contracts. Additionally, we can draft your prenuptial contract and coordinate with a Notary Public in Cape Town for its execution and registration. You and your intended spouse can either meet with the Notary Public in person or provide a special power of attorney.
What Does Our Prenuptial Service Include?
Our ante-nuptial contract service may include, based on your needs:
– Basic and simplified advice on the three matrimonial property regimes
– An overview of the legal principles concerning ante-nuptial contracts
– Drafting a tailored ante-nuptial contract that meets your approval
– Execution of your prenuptial contract with a Notary Public
– Registration of your ante-nuptial contract We strive to ensure you fully understand what you are entering into, as this agreement will govern the property aspects of your marriage. This is a crucial document that will be referenced throughout your marriage. Understanding the law will always bring peace of mind. With our support, family matters come first.
If you live in Cape Town, and you require assistance with the registration of your antenuptial contract of in changing your matrimonial property regime, feel free to contact us today.