I am father of a baby girl. I want to confirm my parental rights. How do I do it?
When it comes to children, the law mandates that we always prioritise the child’s best interests. It is beneficial for a child to maintain a healthy and loving relationship with both parents. Concurrently, a parent has the right to be involved in their child’s life, provided that such involvement aligns with the child’s best interests. This article addresses the process by which a father can establish his parental responsibilities and rights concerning his child.
Confirming a father’s Parental Responsibilities and Rights to his Child
In the past, terms like Custody and Access were used for parental rights. Now, the terms Care and Contact are used. The Children’s Act of 2005 states that both parents have full parental responsibilities and rights, with some exceptions. If there is a dispute, the father may need to apply to the High Court to confirm his rights, which can be costly. It is advised to consult an attorney or advocate.
The Court Application
A Notice of Motion must be drafted, supported by a Founding Affidavit, and sometimes confirmatory affidavits. These documents are filed with the Family Advocate’s Office. Once served, the mother can file opposing papers, and the father can reply. A court date will be set, and a Judge will decide the matter, possibly with a Family Advocate’s Report. Urgent applications require experienced legal counsel.
The father would essentially be requesting the following:
An Order directing that both parties (mother and father) share parental responsibilities and rights regarding the minor child, in accordance with the Children’s Act, 38 of 2005 (“the Children’s Act”), as follows:
- Both parties are co-holders of guardianship over the minor child as stipulated in Section 18(2(c); 18(3); 18(4) and 18(5) of the Children’s Act.
- Both parties shall share parental responsibilities and rights of care and contact concerning the minor child, as outlined in Section 18(2)(a) and (b) of the Children’s Act.
- The implementation of these rights of care and contact.
The Court will consider the matter and render a decision. If the outcome is favorable, the Court would issue an Order affirming the father’s parental responsibilities and rights.
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